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Wild Garlic, Chilli and Fennel Flatbread


Makes 4

400g self raising flour

1 tsp salt

1 tbsp olive oil

280ml Beer

120g Salted butter

1 red chilli chopped

2 tbsp Chopped wild garlic or 2 cloves of garlic

1 bulb fennel sliced

Here’s how

Pour the flour into a mixing bowl with the salt and blend together.

Pour in the oil and beer before mixing together to a soft ball of dough.

Transfer the mixture onto a clean work top and knead for 5 minutes.

Divide the dough into 4 portions and roll out into a thin pizza base the same size as your frying pan that you are going to cook the bread in.

Cook the breads one at a time by folding the bread in half and lift into a frying pan.

Heat the pan up on a medium heat until golden.

Meanwhile mix the garlic, butter and chopped chilli.

Spread a quarter of the butter onto the top of the flatbread. Place the frying pan under a pre heated grill until golden and crisp.

Repeat the process until all the breads are made, you can keep them warm in the oven.

Then top with the fennel just before serving.

Finish with a drizzle of olive oil.



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