BBQ Flatbread with Whipped Feta Dip and Spicy Honey

Whipped Feta Dip
200 grams feta
100 grams ricotta
salt and black pepper
Spicy honey
5 tablespoons honey
1 Red chilli chopped and seeds removed
2 tablespoons lemon juice
500g Strong white bread flour
10g Dried yeast
10g Salt
325ml water
Here’s how
First things first, to make the flatbreads.
Pour the flour, yeast and salt into a mixing bowl.
Blend the ingredients together using your hand, then make a well in the centre.
Pour the water in and mix together with one hand holding the bowl and the other stirring in a claw shape.
When a ball of dough forms on your hand and the mixture is clean from the bowl, transfer to a clean work top and knead for 10 minutes until smooth and stretchy.
Return the dough to the mixing bowl, cover and leave to prove for 1 hour or until it doubles in size.
Pre heat the oven 210c
Once proved scoop the dough back out onto a lightly floured work surface and knock the air out until its a flat dough.
Divide the mixture into equal portions approx 75g each, the roll out into pitta bread shapes approx 1cm thick.
Pre heat the oven to 210c, for this recipe I have used a pizza stone and pre heated for 30 minutes so that I get I nice dry heat and a good pop from the pitta as they bake.
Baked he breads for 20 minutes or until golden and raised into a pocket.
Whisk together in a bowl the feta and ricotta cheese.
Spoon the mixture onto a plate and spread to the edges with the back of your spoon.
In another bowl mix together the honey, chilli and lemon juice.
Mix together and pour over the cheese mixture.